
What do you hope to achieve during your postgraduate study at Birmingham?

I hope to improve my laboratory skills and publish more research articles, all whilst finding my niche. I find that choosing a specialty and mastering a certain aspect of science and medicine makes all the difference. Although my overarching goal of being able to find a cure for my disease might be far fetched, I very strongly believe in myself and my ability to mark down targets and move further, though slowly but surely towards success!

What are you looking forward to most on your course?

My course and department are amazingly well connected with other allied departments, universities, societies and the biggest advantage being it’s proximity to the Queen Elizabeth hospital. Whilst scrolling through the website I realised that the researchers at the University are absolutely fantastic! With many projects and studies that are so interesting and tackling problems that are translationally relevant to today’s problems in medicine, I am looking forward to being a part of one of the amazing laboratories at the university and be part of research that would potentially save society someday.

What have been your first impressions of Birmingham so far?

‘Be Bold, be Birmingham’ was one of the signs I saw written along the streets of Grand Central. I don’t know why that stuck so deeply within me, over the first few weeks of being at Birmingham I realised that this city is filled with diverse culture and relentlessly hardworking people. Right from the National Express drivers to the Royal Mail men who I see amongst others, working hard and fast, every single day setting pace to the city that keeps on moving and never stops. The architecture, the colour, the grit and the vintage street signs along with the beautiful trees and gardens along Edgbaston, I realised that nothing stops this city from moving further, it stays true to itself, Birmingham truly is bold.

What was your motivation for postgraduate study?

My journey began as soon as I noticed insufficiency, I saw that research in a particular realm of medicine was not sufficient. My own body started revolting, started rebelling against the one thing it stood for; Myself. As an amateur undergraduate student with little to no experience I sought to be able to navigate my own trouble by using my voice and intellect to further myself. As soon as I learnt of my illness during the course of my undergraduate study, I was utterly disappointed to know the limitations of the treatment plans that existed, knowing first hand the problems and lack of effective treatments and definitive cure for myself, I sought to tackle the issue myself. After my undergraduate programme I started hunting to find out the best universities I could train myself in further to be able to combat and find the cure to my own disease. That’s exactly when the Medical School of the University of Birmingham caught my eye, the catalogue, the laboratories, the teachers and most importantly the research that was being pushed out made me want to become a postgraduate student at the University. My motivational cause for pursuing a Masters although may sound blue, I am absolutely certain that the events leading up till now would continue to motivate me towards a better future.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to postgraduate study.

Growing up I was always confident, enthusiastic and clear, you could use those three words to describe me! I learnt quickly that I loved science and in particular medicine, I was ever curious and wanted to know more about the silly things that were thought to be irrelevant. My journey till my undergraduate programme was not easy but I fully believe that we learn by making mistakes and find our path, our people and peace in life as our journey matures. My postgraduate journey although just beginning, I know is going to be one that would be cherished with memories ever after!