As detailed in other sections, the best things have been: meeting new people, who share my passion for the environment. Meeting such a broad range of people as well, was really interesting, from the NHS, National Gas, environmental companies, industrial businesses looking to be more sustainable, charities, it was such a good range of people and organisations, which really made it feel very unique. It was interesting to hear different people’s thoughts and perspectives and I enjoyed hearing the projects that all the teams had come up with, it was really inspiring and interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with my project team, it was an absolute joy, we had such a complementary skillset within the team and we were all enthusiastic about our project, which is why we’ve decided we’re going to take this forward, as we really believe in what we can achieve following the positive feedback we’ve received from the organisers, University experts and our peers on the programme.
I have graduated from the programme with a broader, deeper knowledge of environmental issues and I have made some interesting connections on both a personal and professional level.
Finally, it has also helped me in my current role in terms of connecting people from Siemens with one of the businesses on the Climate Innovation Platform (that I manage), again showing the real benefits of forging relationships and networks; this will hopefully lead to more impact from various angles, including: social, environmental, and economic.