
What makes Birmingham the best place to conduct research in your area of interest?

I am currently studying African Studies and Anthropology with my research topic focusing on the impact Black Majority Churches have on Black communities in Birmingham. This topic is important to me as I was born and raised in Birmingham where I have attended multiple Black Majority Churches throughout my life that has shaped the person that I am today. One of the main reasons I chose University of Birmingham is because this course enabled me to conduct research in a community that I am apart of and can resonate with.

Another reason this course appealed to me is because this topic ties in well with my supervisory teams’ research interests. Both of my supervisors have spent years exploring the influences Black Majority Churches have on the Black communities in Africa and the UK. So far their experience has been beneficial to me as they have used their own experience to provide me with helpful literature and valuable advice on different ways I can approach this topic.

What's your career goal and how is Birmingham helping you reach this?

In the future, I would like to continue conducting research for organisations that would help or benefit people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK and completing a PhD would help me achieve that. Also, Birmingham is one the most diverse cities in the country, being here brings more exposure to these groups whilst providing me with opportunities to build relationships and work with people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds.

What do you think is unique about the University of Birmingham?

Personally, I believe that University of Birmingham is unique because it is the first university I have heard of that has provided multiple scholarships specifically for Black British Researchers. I’ve never seen Asian, Caribbean and Greek food stalls on a university campus before I arrived here, so I think the university tries to cater to the diversity of the students on campus. The fact that there is a train station on campus is new to me to and it can be very useful to get around Birmingham.