Absolutely! Here are a few suggestions which I think are particularly worthwhile:
Making every primary lesson count: Jo Payne and Mel Scott
Readings for reflective teaching: Andrew Pollard
The Elephant in the classroom: Jo Boaler
Mathematics Explained for primary teachers: Derek Haylock (there is also a student workbook which goes alongside this)
Behaviour management: Bill Rodgers has written a range of book which offer useful practical suggestions
There are lots of articles on the University of Bimringham’s Jubilee centre for character and virtues website: https://www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/1610/character-education/teacher-resources
I would also recommend reading children’s books themselves so that you are familiar with a range of texts to choose from when you start planning.
Here’s some CPD I’ve recently come across (and am working my way through!) My interests are very much around special needs and disadvantaged children so apologies if they follow a similar theme.
Openlearn: an introduction to childhood psychology. This is helpful to decipher the role of an educational psychologist in school and how you can support their work as a teacher.
There are many other free courses on open learn such as reading for pleasure, engaging parents within the curriculum etc.
Averse Childhood Experiences: https://www.acesonlinelearning.com/
This offers a certificate and is very informative.
Maths mastery: https://whiterosemaths.com/professional-development/online-training-courses/
Any training or reading around emotion coaching, mental health and strategies to support children with special education needs. I feel that this is going to be especially important when we return to school.
If there are any specific areas you’re interested in let me know and I’ll see if I have anything else on my list.
Take care!