
What do you hope to achieve during your postgraduate study at Birmingham?

I would love to be a part of the diverse group of students that come here, to share each other experiences while understanding the varied perspectives, thereby building some strong and worthy relations with people from other ethnicity and backgrounds, gender/ sex, etc. It is also my aim to be able to gain academic excellence and build my skills as a Lawyer to be compatible for the outside world and acquire a good position professionally.

What are you looking forward to most on your course?

To meet people from different walks of life, to learn about different cultures and different point of views with regard to various topics, both academic and non-academic, thereby to grow both on a professional and a personal level.

What have been your first impressions of Birmingham so far?

Since I come from India, which is a highly populated and an extremely vibrant nation due to the depth and vastness of different religions, cultures and languages. Therefore, as a consequence, it is quite noisy plus there being a lot of air pollution, traffic, celebration of festivals on the street, adds to the chaos. While Birmingham on the other hand, being comparatively less populated, is extremely silent, peaceful, clean and a very green city that impressed me the most as an environment enthusiast.

What was your motivation for postgraduate study?

I always wanted to do a Masters programme abroad to explore the foreign culture and to have a diverse group of people coming from different race and backgrounds, in order for me to grow on a personal level and not just academically or professionally as I truly believe that one can truly understand human values at its core only by way of understanding people coming from different walks of life and by experiencing other cultures. Having said that, as a Law student as well, being exposed to the diversity and experiencing a variety of cultures and traditions, broadens your horizon as a Lawyer as it compels you to think and question and develop a critical mindset, which is an essential skill set a Lawyer must possess
Apart from the above I also wanted to move from the comfort of my home and have the freedom to be by myself and explore life in every way, in order to realize my innate potential, plus having seen some of my cousins and friends who had moved abroad, grow and change in a good way and gaining the kind of understanding and maturity that they possess now, has been extremely admirable and inspiring for me to be motivated and take this path.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to postgraduate study.

I am an advocate enrolled with the Bar council of India and have a work experience of 2 years as a litigating Lawyer at Vakils associated, one of the most respected and renowned law firms, located in Hyderabad, India, wherein I was particularly engaged in civil and commercial cases. Throughout my journey as a practicing lawyer in India, I have gained a considerable amount of experience in legal research, drafting of pleadings/ applications/ writs, preparation of final arguments, strategizing on cases, while assisting senior advocates on high stake commercial matters and representing in various civil/ commercial/ district courts including the High Court for the state of Telangana.
Having practiced as a licenced advocate in India, I thought it was a ripe time for me to pursue my masters in International Commercial Law at one of the top Russel group Universities in the United Kingdom, the University of Birmingham, as has been my dream for over two years, since I graduated in Law. I then went on to apply to the UOB and received offer for the programme desired and it’s been more than a delight and still unbelievable to be studying at the University. I now truly wish to put my utmost focus on the course and make most of my university life while contributing in whatever way I can towards its growth, through my creativity, skills and talent.