Hi, I got an offer from the University of Birmingham in the department of Chemical Engineering for a Masters. I have to study a specific topic which is "element determination with LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)". So I have to find a supervisor who can help me with this topic. First, I would like to know if there is an LIBS machine in your laboratory? If there is also a tutor who may be my supervisor about this topic, please let me know the name of them. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your question. If you have been accepted on the MSc Food Safety, Hygiene and Management, then you can contact the course administrator Mrs Gillian Burrows. She can put you in touch with the tutors that are responsible for laboratory based dissertation and project work.
If you have been accepted on another degree course then you will have to contact their department’s course administrator who can either forward your query to the appropriate court leader and/or laboratory tutors. They will be able to state whether they have a LIBS equipment. The university does have a new state of the art laboratory so I think they are more than likely to have this.
Hope this helps and please get back in touch if you have any other questions. Good luck
Kind regards