
Why did you originally apply to do your chosen course at Birmingham?

I chose the University of Birmingham because it is one of the world’s top 100 universities and has excellent lab facilities. Furthermore, my supervisor has a great reputation in the sustainable and degradable polymers research area. Also, my group members have quite diverse backgrounds and they come from more than 10 different countries.

What do you think are the best points of your course?

I have had opportunities to work with many great scientists, present my work at international conferences, and develop my soft skills and lab skills during my studies.

What’s your highlight of your time at the University?

I learned many things from a lot of Chemistry talks and the ease of accessing a bunch of scientific journals.

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying on the course?

If you want to apply for a full-time research Ph.D. program, I would recommend searching for a supervisor as early as possible and email them if you are interested in their research area.

Is there anything extra students thinking about studying on the course should know?

Prepare all the documents you need before applying for your course. If you are an international student who needs English language proficiency, pay attention to the minimum scores required for each type of English test.