
What would you say to someone considering the Skills Bootcamp?

Excellent, well worth attending.
A little background reading and understanding first will help maximised the use of consultants and information. The flexible approach of the staff, methods and delivery will help you accelerate your understanding and capability, maximising the short amount of time involved in the boot camp.

Highly recommended.

How was your experience of accessing Skills Bootcamp careers support?

As I could not make all the online presentations due to work commitments the support materials, recorded lectures were invaluable. Most of the resources are available online. Staff support and guidance was excellent, easy to understand and follow from either a novice or someone with more experience in the field. The challenge was more the application of team projects due to everyone’s situation and work commitments. this was supported, chased and pulled together by the university staff.
A real big thank you to Rebeckah Tinder for all her support.

What are some of the best things about your Skills Bootcamp experience or your biggest achievements?

I highly value the meeting of similar minded people on the course, this helps magnify the passion.
A range of skills have been used such as presentation, group tasks, idea generation as well as looking at current developments in the field. I also gained a much better understating of the university’s role and offering in this filed.
For me it was the information, understanding and access to resources that really helped, particularly in my current role.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to studying a Skills Bootcamp.

The information given and exercises were very useful, not only expanding my knowledge but also pointing me in the direction of resources and examples.
Some lectures I perform are based around site services which includes use of energy and company generation etc. This crosses over to sustainability and carbon reductions. This allowed me to add more detail passion and guidance to the lectures. This helps motivate students who are lively to be the engineering managers of the future. I would also have the passion of spreading the word and what I have leant to the outer community.

Why did you choose to study a Skills Bootcamp at the University of Birmingham?

Net zero, carbon reduction is an area I was interested in from a personal level.
Being sustainable makes sense on an individual company and world wide level.

I also saw this as an opportunity that is developing with the governments commitment to 2050.

My employer has been somewhat awkward towards attending courses in the past and the layout and requirements of the Birmingham net zero course looked promising.

I approached my employer and they agreed to let me attend (mainly as only 3 days attendance was required ) I was happy to take holiday if required to meet the course requirements.