The MSc Trauma Science course is one day a week teaching on the Thursday, this allows you a lot of time to read around the subject material so that in teaching sessions more engaging and complex discussions about content can occur. You are also taught by leading experts in trauma who have all been engaging and inspiring teachers- all of the lecturers have great passion for their area of expertise and this comes across in the quality of teaching. Additionally, this has created many opportunities for myself such as a attending shifts with the Major Trauma Service and Emergency Surgery cases with military surgeons, without the course I would not have been able to create these opportunities as easily. I have also had the time to undertake placements with The Air Ambulance Service that would not have been possible with the busy medical placement schedule.
I have also found the course has allowed me to find areas in Trauma I am particularly interested in and explore these further. Not just in the dissertation module, but in individual modules the brief for essays and poster has been broad enough for you to really hone into an individual area that interests you. This means you can also learn from your peers as we all attend each other’s presentations and the peer to peer support is encouraged.