Hi, I completed my MSc in Geology and would like to do a Masters in Environmental Studies in the UK. Do you know if there are any Master scholarships in this area? Could you recommend a course?
Hello, thank you very much for your question and apologies in the delay getting back to you. My name is Emma from the Postgraduate Recruitment team, and I am replying on behalf of the mentor as they have not yet answered it.
There are various funding opportunities available for both home and international students. Please refer to our funding database (https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/pgfunding) for possible funding opportunities. You may also find information on our international pages useful if you are not from the UK, including our page on international scholarships (https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/International/students/finance/scholarships/index.aspx).
What course to pick depends entirely on your interests! My advice would to go through the courses on the website and look at the structure and content, to see which best fits your interests and career prospects.
Best of luck,
PG Recruitment