
Has studying at Birmingham introduced you to any new works of literature or changed your perspective on books you'd already read?

My favourite areas of literature include both Victorian literature and Popular literature and culture.

The 19th century is a period marked by industrial growth which gave birth to the society that we live in today. The idea of easy consumption that defines popular literature owes its origin to the Victorian era.

Birmingham has introduced me to a plethora of new authors like Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Amy Levy, and Michael Field under lesbian voices in the 19th century. I have further been taught about how popular fantasy motifs like the “werewolf” might have its origins in medieval texts like Bisclavret by Marie de France.

What's your favourite module on your MA?

While all the three modules I have taken this semester have all uniquely contributed to my academic growth, I believe that the “Evolutions of Popular Literature” module is going to stay with me the longest. It is fascinating to study about how the literature we so easily dismiss as not being “intellectual” enough, is actually descended from a long line of “intellectual” texts. This module has completely changed the way I look at the best-selling “trashy” fictions that help me relax after a long, tiring day.

What's your career goal and how is Birmingham helping you reach this?

My long term career goal is to work at a publishing house and become an editor. The Careers Team at Birmingham is really helpful as it conducts multiple webinars on how to inculcate soft skills and gain work experience for any kind of job. Moreover, my course teaches me how to study manuscripts, fragments, and facsimiles that helps in understanding editorial interpretations of authorial voice.

What do you think is unique about the University of Birmingham?

Personally for me, I found Birmingham to be one of the very few universities that lets me study and research about popular literature and culture. In addition, its emphasis on safety and security with a dedicated team to ensure it is one of the things I like most about the university. Further, the diversity of the campus with students and staff from all over the world create a really inclusive environment to thrive in.