With the Shakespeare studies based in Stratford away from the main campus, is there a feeling of the university experience among the students at the Shakespeare Institute? Is there frequent interactions between all levels of studies? Also do you know what the total number of students in person at Stratford is or for the various Shakespeare programs? Thank you for your time!
1) Certainly, and it quite possibly strengthened by the distance from bham. You will find the SI a tightly knit little satellite campus, and one where friendships spring from shared nerdiness.
2) There is no real differentiation between the different levels of study at the Institute (unlike at main campus, where the doctoral students have separate lounges etc). Of course, students recognise the rest of their cohort, but it was never my experience that strict stratification took place.
3) I’m afraid not. If that kind of information doesn’t fall under data protection laws, I’d recommend contacting the Institute secretaries to learn more: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/edacs/departments/shakespeare/contact/index.aspx.