
What are your future aspirations after you finish your postgraduate degree?

I will return to my home country to contribute to establishing health and safety implementation in Indonesia as I have learned valuable lessons and gained great experiences while studying at University in Birmingham.

What do you think makes the University of Birmingham unique?

Diversity and friendliness are what make the University unique. You will have friends from around the world while studying here, which is a lifetime opportunity for me. Not to mention Old Joe as our iconic and beautiful clock tower!

Have you joined any student societies or taken part in any events so far during your studies?

I have had wonderful experiences so far as I joined UoB Conservation Volunteers, which focuses on environmental protection and restorations. We have routine events every week, such as planting trees, reserving nature, visiting parks and woodland, and joining a hands-on experience for the creation and conservation of habitats.

How are you finding living in Birmingham? Do you find the student community supportive?

Living in Birmingham is very convenient and comfortable, with easy access to shopping/groceries, transportation, and lots of food choices. Birmingham is also a multiethnic city with friendly people all around you. The student community helps you to find the best living experience in Birmingham. They provide some infographics for Student Guide to Birmingham containing things to do in this City, including outdoor activities, shopping, restaurants, coffee shops, history, culture and arts, nightlife, sports, and brummies’ slang!

What has been your experience of campus life? Do you enjoy studying on the Edgbaston campus?

I can focus and relax my thoughts anywhere and anytime because the University of Birmingham provides many study spaces and green areas. Moreover, the main library is open 24 hours.

What have been the highlights of your postgraduate course so far?

The programme is accredited by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the largest professional body for health and safety professionals. Also, this programme provides balanced teaching methods for the professional and academic areas. We have not only been sitting in classes, but also going on field trips!

What made you decide to study a postgraduate course at the University of Birmingham rather than in your home country?

Many guidelines, standards, practices, and health and safety programmes have been developed in the UK. These are being utilised in Indonesia (my home country) as references in developing health and safety implementation by universities, the government, and companies. Also, the health and safety system in the UK is well-established, and it will be my remarkable privilege to learn from the experts. The University of Birmingham, as one of the best places to study in the UK, provides theory-based and integrated health and safety implementation that is applicable in the professional world. The University of Birmingham also provides services and facilities that support the student’s well-being.

Can you give a short outline of the postgraduate course that you study? How has it benefited you so far? What have you enjoyed about the course?

The MSc Health, Safety and Environment Management postgraduate programme is perfect for those interested in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Protection because this programme provides relevant and up-to-date modules in this field. Since occupational health and safety is part of applied scientific knowledge, this programme accepts various relevant educational backgrounds. Moreover, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has accredited this program, so the graduate students will be eligible to seek IOSH membership which will be beneficial for networking, experience, and practical knowledge. All teachers and staff are also very professional, experienced, and supportive. I enjoyed this programme so much, not only because I love studying in this field but also have the opportunity to meet so many new friends from around the world and from various professional backgrounds. In addition, the class is alive with discussion and brainstorming ideas about the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety in the UK and our respective countries.