
Hi, can I begin an MA in Politics in a semester different from September entry?

Hi, I am Yasmin and I am answering you today on behalf of your selected mentor. Unfortunately, since the MA Politics course is a taught programme it will not be possible to start in a different semester. At this time the only available start date is September.

Hi Yasmin, I'm very interested in the University of Birmingham's MA in History by distance learning and am applying shortly as an international student. What's the focus area of your research/studies and how did you arrive at your research topic? I'm planning on pursuing a PhD upon completing the MA and would like to know a bit more about your experience and what lead you to it? Thank you!

Hi! First of all, I think with Birmingham you have made a great choice for studying your MA. Birmingham has a great distance learning community and the teaching staff is very helpful and supportive.

My research focuses broadly on the English Reformation, the Marian exile and persecution, the Elizabethan religious settlement, and international scholarly networks. I got the initial idea for my research topic through my MLitt dissertation. However, I also had many conversations about possible ideas and directions that my PhD research could take with friends, teachers, and supervisors. I actually had a long list of possible PhD topics that I talked through with a former professor of mine. By the end I had two topics left, one of which was the one based on my MLitt dissertation and another one that, after having done more research on it, I presented at a conference. I eventually decided for the topic that I felt would fit best to myself.

Another very important influence on my topic was my own academic background. I have a magister degree (a German degree at Masters level) in Protestant theology and a MLitt in Reformation Studies (history). For me, it was important that I could make use of both. Moreover, having studied in different countries myself, made me more curious about scholarly networks and the influence they could have.

Everyone’s ‘research topic finding way’ is different, but I only can recommend that you speak about your ideas with others. In talking about it, you already have to engage with the topic. This will help you to get a feeling for it. Also, the input from others can be very beneficial to develop further research questions. Furthermore, most teachers and professors are happy to help and support you. They usually know what research is already done and can help you to narrow down your individual research topic. So, if you can, then talk to them about your plans and ideas.

Don’t worry if you haven’t found your topic yet. It will come to you and doing a Masters degree will help you finding it. Ask yourself what you are most interested about? Why is it that you are studying history? Is there a topic that you just cannot stop thinking about? If you can define these questions, speak to other people about it, this will certainly help you to narrow it down.

Oh, and don’t be afraid if your project idea changes. The research that I am doing now, looks much different from my initial proposal. As you continue with your study/research your project will develop and often change a little.

This answer got a little long, but I really hope that I could help you. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out again. Good luck!

How do you write a research proposal ?

Hi! Apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately, your requested mentor did not get to your question yet. However, I hope I can answer your question as well. The university has published a very helpful guide on how to write a research proposal here:
Most importantly, don’t stress yourself! You should be fine if you follow the proposed structure. Also, keep in mind that no one expects your research proposal to be completely perfect. It is completely normal that your project might change a little over the course of your PhD. Good luck !

Hi Rose, I would like to consider applying for a Masters in History. Currently, I am a final year Honours in Economic History student. What are the advantages of studying History at UoB and do you offer a Masters in African History?

Hi! Thank you very much for getting in touch with us and apologies for the late reply. I am a 3rd year PhD student in History and I am answering you today, because your selected mentor did not have the chance to get to your question yet. I think the advantages of studying history at UoB are the incredible research and teaching environment. You will be taught by leading scholars in their field and the teaching classes are just as many students that you would need to have engaging debates in class. Furthermore, UoB offers you a wide range of opportunities to get engaged, from PG societies, over participating in research seminars and PG workshops to PG conferences where you can get first experiences in presenting your work in front of a wider audience.

Also, we do offer two different master courses in African studies. Besides the normal MA, we also offer a research based one. You can find the links to these courses here:


I hope I could help you.

All the best and good luck,

I am currently a third year Forensic Science undergraduate student. I wish to continue my studies and do a postgraduate course. I am very interested in the Egyptology course and would like to know whether I would be able to apply or not due to the qualifications I have/do not have?

Apologies for the late reply. I am Yasmin, a History PhD student and I am answering you today because your selected mentor did not have the chance to get back to your question yet. We offer two different courses related to Egyptology. Both require that you have an undergraduate degree in a related subject, such as history, classics or archaeology. You can have a look into their entry requirements here and here

If you are interested in the MA Antiquity: Egyptology pathway then you can contact Dr Alisa Hunt ( for further questions and if you are interested in the MRes Egyptology you can contact Dr Gideon Nisbet (

I hope I could help.

All the best,

I was thinking of doing an MA in History and I was wondering if UoB has any postgraduate courses that start in January 2021? Please, would you be able to help me with this? Thank you.

Hi, thank you for getting in touch with us and apologies for the late reply. I am a 3rd year history PhD student at UoB and I am answering you today, because your selected mentor did not have the chance to answer your question yet. Unfortunately, the university doesn’t offer any MA courses in history with a January start. However, we do offer a good variety of history courses starting in September 2021. Here is a list of all PG history courses that we offer:

I hope I could help you.

Good luck and all the best,

Are you offering full scholarships for the MSc of ICT for students from Ethiopia?

There are various scholarships for international students you can search our funding database here: and have a look into our website for international scholarships here:

I hope I could help you today.

All the best,

What was your motivation for undertaking postgraduate study?

Because of the structure of my first degree it was never even a question if I would undertake postgraduate studies or not: My German theology degree combined undergraduate and postraduate studies. While I was always fascinated with church history (especially the Reformation), it was especially during my last years of this degree that I realised how much I enjoyed working interdiciplinary. Because of my fascination with the Reformation and because my German degree did barely cover the English Reformation,I decided to do an additional masters in Reformation Studies. During both of my pgt degrees I realised that I wanted to become a researcher and dip even further into the Reformation, therefore, I decided to do a PhD.

What, for you, are the best things about the course?

I guess the best thing about my PhD is that I can spend time doing what I love. It is basically my job now to get obsessed with the Reformation – and there are others like me! What could be better? Honestly, the PhD allows me to study a subject that I love and to engage in great research debates with other people in my field and the department. The School of History and Cultures (and UoB in general) has a great research environment that offers their research students quite a number of opportunities to get involved.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering postgraduate study in your field?

My PhD requires a huge amount of reading, so for everyone wanting to start a PhD in this field, my advice would be to be really aware what this means. This does not mean that you cannot be part of a research community, but most of your time you will spend reading and writing on your very own project – alone. This leads me to my second advice, look for support! Make sure that you find a supervisor/team that you can work with and that you can trust – honesty and communication are key! Also, take advantage of all the great student support and the research community that the university offers. Furthermore, have a look into the skills courses that are offered. Thirdly, don’t compare your research with others. Your project is as unique as you are, as long as your supervisors are happy with your work, there is no need to worry. Fourthly, take on feedback and don’t be shy asking for support. This already starts with your application and your research proposal, writing several drafts is completely normal and helps to really get your work in shape. My last advice is: Enjoy! Enjoy your time that you can spend working on this great project that you think is worth spending at least three years of your life on.

Hello, I have received an unconditional offer from the Institute of Education in their MA Applied Linguistics programme. I have plenty of time ahead. In the meantime, it would be good to see the course reading list. Can you help me with this matter or maybe refer me to someone who can? Thanks, Nora

Congratulations to your unconditional offer! I am very sorry for the late reply, I am answering you today because your selected mentor hasn’t gotten to your question yet. Unfortunately, I don’t know the reading list of your course. However, if you know who your course admissions tutor or course covennor will be, then you could contact them for some reading advice. If this is not the case, then you could ask a question via this enquiry form:

Good luck with everything!

Hello, I did a Honours and a Masters degree in English Literature in Bangladesh. I would like to return to university and do the English Literature MA by Research. However, I haven't published any research papers yet. Is it possible to pursue a MRes without having published any research papers? Thanks.

Hi! Thank you for getting in touch with us. You don’t have to worry, no one would expect you having done any papers before the start of your research degree. Important is that you meet the entry requirements. You can find them and more information on this course here:
I hope I could help you today. Good luck with your application!

What are the entry requirements for international students?

Hi! Thank you for contacting us and apologies for the late reply. I am answering you today because your selected mentor didn’t have the chance to answer your question yet. The general entry requirements of every course can be found via the course page. Under the entry requirements tab you can also find a list of country specific requirements. You can search for your course here:

You can find the general entry requirements for international students here:

All the best,

What’s the minimum qualifications that one would need to get admission to this university?

Hi! Apologies for the late reply. I am answering you today because your question had not been picked up by your selected mentor. The entry requirements vary from course to course. Most courses require a 2:1 at your undergraduate degree. PhD courses would require a good Masters. However, some courses are also accepting other qualifications and value work experiences. Also, if you are an international student, you would have to meet the English language requirements. You can find out what the requirements for your course are at the course webpage, just click on the ‘Entry Requirements’ tab. You can use the course finder to find your course here:

All the best,

Hi Mr. Adam Joseph Kerr, hope you are keeping well and happy. I am a Rev. from India. My Church is sending me to the UK to do my higher studies. I am a Graduate in Commerce and Divinity and I have done my Masters in Arts (MA Sociology). I want to do my PhD in the UK. I want to know whether I can do my PhD directly in the department of Religion and Theology or if I need to do another MA first? I will be stationed at Liverpool. Eagerly waiting to hear from you.

Hi! Apologies for the late reply. I am Yasmin, a PhD student in History and I am answering you today because your selected mentor did not have the chance to pick up on your question yet. I had a look into the entry requirements of the theology PhD for you. These are as follows:

‘Applicants for a PhD will also need to hold a Masters qualification at Merit level or above (or its international equivalent), usually in a relevant area. Any academic and professional qualifications or relevant professional experience you may have are normally taken into account, and in some cases, form an integral part of the entrance requirements. If you are applying for distance learning research programmes, you will also be required to demonstrate that you have the time, commitment, facilities and experience to study by distance learning. If your qualifications are non-standard or different from the entry requirements stated here, please contact the admissions tutor.’

Judging from these I would suggest that you have good chances in doing the PhD directly. However, I would advise you to contact the admissions tutor Dr Deryn Guest via this form: .

You can find out more about this course here:

Good luck with your application and all the best,

Hello! I am currently studying BBA and wanted to know if I can apply for MSc Psychology despite my management background? While researching I found out that some universities accept students who achieve high scores on the GRE psychology test and was wondering if this university did the same? Thank you for your assistance.

Hi! Apologies for the late reply. I am Yasmin a History PhD student and I am answering you today because your selected mentor did not have the chance to pick up your question yet. The entry requirements for the MSc Psychology are allowing students with a background in a different field to apply. However your former degree must be in a ‘a related discipline’ furthermore ‘Applicants who do not meet our requirement for a 2(i) in their final-year research project, but who have gained significant research experience in a psychology research lab(s) will be considered on a case-by-case basis’. You can find out more here:
If you need further clearance then I would recommend to contact the psychology department or course admissions tutor directly. You can do so via this contact form:

Also, you can find all psychology courses here:

I hope I could help you.

All the best,

Does this university split the TOEFL or IELTS certificate?

Hi! Apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately, I am not sure what you mean with splitting the certificates? Usually you take either test and have to meet the criteria according to our English language requirements. You can find out which criteria apply to you and which tests we accept here:

All the best,

Hello, I am interested in the PhD program in Cultural Heritage. I would be an online student from the USA. I am curious if you could tell me how the online classes work with the time difference between the UK and the USA? or could you direct me to the proper department for my inquiry?

Hi! Thank you for getting in touch with us and apologies for the late reply. I am Yasmin, a PhD student in History. I am answering you today because your selected mentor did not get to your question. First of all, I think the Cultural Heritage PhD is a great choice! Since this is a completely research based PhD you would not have any online classes that you have to attend. Therefore, the time difference shouldn’t be a problem for you. You probably only would have to arrange skype/zoom/teams meetings with your supervisors, but these would be individual to you and your supervisors. Besides that, I have looked up some information for distance learning students for you. You can find out more about distance learning here: . I hope all goes well and that we can welcome you soon here at Birmingham.

Do you offer a distance learning PhD in Creative Writing?

Hi! Thank you for getting touch with us and apologies for the late reply. I am Yasmin, a PhD student here at Birmingham and I am answering you today because your selected mentor did not get to your question. The university does offer a distance learning PhD in Creative Writing, you can find out more about this program here: